The Nominees are…

This year has been full of many different moments to remember and it has been a lot better than I expected. SO much better! And when I least expect – my blog is nominated for The Liebster Award! What?! How amazing is that! I got nominated my the lovely Sania from Sania & NarmeenπŸ’‹πŸ’‹, this is such an honour, Thank you! It really means a lot.


Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers by bloggers with aim to discover and spot new bloggers.

The Rules are pretty simple:

1 β†’ Acknowledge the blog who nominated you;

2 β†’ Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you;

3 β†’ Nominate 11 other bloggers (with followers under 200);

4 β†’ Ask them 11 questions;

5 β†’ Let them know that you have nominated them;


1. What comes in your mind when you see red chilled yummy strawberries?

Summer. Everything chilled, and now especially yummy red strawberries makes me think of summer, that makes me think of the sun and the warmth and summer clothes and the past summer adventures.

2. Whose your inspiration?

Lin Manuel-Miranda. Most definitely, without any doubt. He has not only done brilliant things, he is more than just a wonderful human being and he is always positive – his tweets are totally worth reading! I look up to Lin and to all he has done. I really wish to be like him.

3. Whats your favourite country?

United States of America. Although I have never been in the USA… It has so many places where I want to go and where I want to be, I have always felt like I’ve been drawn to this country somehow, I read once that if you feel drawned to some country or culture and live with their traditions that in the past life you actually lived in the country. But the USA is my dream place to visit.. So let’s say Latvia. My favourite country is Latvia. It is where I was born, it is where I live and it is my home.

4. If I give you a chance to launch your own makeup brand, what will be the name you choose for it?

Revival. Because for me, make-up makes me feel more confident about myself and at the same I time I feel like a new person, like I’ve been awakened again as a new person.

5. Say something about your mother?

My mom.. well, my mom works at a theater and I’ve been around actors and I’ve been a “theater child” for 20/21 years now and if it wasn’t for her, I don’t know if I would ever ended up into theater and performing arts and cinema like I am now. Maybe I would’ve found it somehow, but this way is a lot better and I love it.

6. Chocolates/marshmallows?

Both. But if I have to choose then it’s chocolates. More particularly dark chocolates, because dark chocolate is more healthier and chocolate overall maybe is healthier than marshmallows. But I am not saying no to marshmallows, I do like to have some once in a while.

7. Coffee/tea

Tea. Always tea. I am not a coffee person, I do not like the taste of caffeine, but if it is THAT urgent and needed then I go for a cup of coffee.

8. Liquid foundation/ cushion ones?

Since I have never ever used cushion foundation,Β  my answer is liquid foundation. But I would like to try the cushion one someday.

9. What do you see first in a person?

Well, at first it’s definitely the appearance – the clothes and the looks, but after that it is the personality – is the person nice, is the person interesting, is the person good and polite. But when I think about it more, I think it really depends on the situation and the intention of meeting.

10. Instagram/ facebook… ??

I use both. I got to admit, I have got a bit obsessed with instagram stories, and now sometimes when I post too many stories, before I post another one I think to myself – do people really want to see this? When it comes to what I post on my instagram wall, I have always posted something just ’cause I want to post something or because I just feel like I should. Now I’ve realised that I should post with meanings. I have to post with a purpose, with a story behind it that I can tell people when I get asked. It cannot be “just ’cause”.
By the way – click here and Come Follow Me!

Facebook.. I use it for my own private matter, but you can come and follow me on Twitter and SnapChat where I post from time to time / maybeΒ  a bit often than from time to time.

P.s. if I decide no one would care and at the end of the day it is not going on my Instastory – then it’s definitely going to my SnapChat story πŸ˜‰

11. What will be your next holiday destination?

Hmm.. I hope it’s outside my country. Would be amazing if it was Chocha Castle in Poland, Lesna aka COLLEGE OF WIZARDRY, I’m an obvious HP fan πŸ˜€ (YES the place exists you can experience Hogwarts and the classes and everything you can check it out by clicking this big sentence!). Or maybe it could be the UK where I haven’t been yet but want to visit. I really don’t have a real answer to this. Sorry.. πŸ˜€


I know the rules say that I should nominate blogs up to 200 followers, 
but (FIRST OF ALL) it is impossible to tell it sometimes, AND I will 
take the liberty of nominating some blogs over 200. I think I can 
do that, since I decide who I nominate.. am I right?!

Paige β†’
The Famished Traveler β†’
The Witty Writer β†’
Destinee aka Des β†’
Rebecca β†’
Becky β†’
Introverted and Candid β†’
Molly β†’
Jeet β†’
Chloe β†’
Is it Fridy Yet? β†’


1. What movie title would describe your blog the most and why?
2.Β Would you rather travel to the past or the future?
3. What skill would you like to master?
4. If you would have a chance to spend 5 hours tomorrow with ANYONE in the world (alive) who would it be and what would you be doing in these 5 hours?
5. What is your dream job?
6. What is your favourite quote?
7. What was your last travel destination? describe it in a few words.
8. In 5 bullet points bullet your day.
9. 3 best things you did / that happened to you in 2017… go!
10. Any social media?
11. Name 3 things that are in your “2018 Bucket list”!Β 

I wish you all the best in 2018 and I will be excited to read your answers!

Best wishes,The Butterfly Girl. Logo

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